Friday, 31 July 2009

random thought

A new social experiment...
The classic scenario of being told not to do something when you are younger yet doing it anyways seems like something you grow out of, but do you? The challenge and the thrill of knowing that you could get caught or not knowing the result of your actions will always be fascinating no matter what age you are.  "The BIG Red Button" idea has been done before but I myself wanted to conduct my own little experiment in the hope to find out some interesting results from human behavior and instincts.  You can probably guess what the experiment will involve (the title is a bit of a giveaway!) but I wanted to take it that step further by placing warnings and instructions next to the button to see how individuals would react.  Who knows what the results will show but it seems like a fun little project to conduct. 
 Until i have done the experiment i will leave you with an amusing little video, if only this happened in real life...!

nostalgic moment

I was talking about old school board games and sweets the other day and I came across this funny little video that got me feeling all nostalgic....

Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Monday, 20 July 2009

thats just showing off...typography

I have been looking into typography recently to try and improve my presentation boards in preparation for 4th year.  I came across a few really clever ideas...

The doormat is certainly a novelty but you cant deny the clever typography used in the design

These wedding invitations are amazing, just by simply removing the dot above the 'i' in Claire, it also spells out Dave. Genius.

 This is a poster designed for the olympics in London 2012.  From a distance the word 'pride' is clear but upon closer inspection you can see all the participating countries in multi coloured circles.

Wednesday, 15 July 2009

wedding or divorce? the age old question for couples...

I really want one of these!
Award winning Rhode Island School of Design graduate Alyssa dee Krauss has designed these fantastic simple quirky wedding rings .  The band aid design comes in either gold or silver with a hidden gem underneath.  If anybody would like to buy me one, lets make it clear i do not wish to marry you, i just want one...

Thursday, 2 July 2009

contain your excitement

A new use for shipping containers? These normally boring structures have been redesigned and turned into portable cafes and custom built houses to name a few, but the possibilities are endless...

Check out theses drawings, they are amazing with a distinct drawing style, I'm off to go and draw a bit to see what I can come up with...
I came across this handy little search engine Spezify. Its not as good as Google but it gives a better visual display of information and links